More Than Mars ~ 17 June 2014

We are coming off last week’s square of Mars in Libra to Pluto in Capricorn, during Mercury retrograde, including Friday the 13th (not really a factor) and while receiving significant solar activity with its associated psyche-irritating emanations, all of which added to the vortices of stirred up physical and psychic atmospheres on Earth.

Back during the grand square I suggested that it makes more sense that as Mars keyed up aspects with Pluto and Uranus and Jupiter after the pattern, at those times we would see more of the impact of the import of April’s cross. Sadly, that suspicion is playing out. Riding last week’s Mars-Pluto, the conflict in Iraq now draws former sworn enemies into conversations about how to address a rapid militarized surge by religious radicals, whose views and methods are so extreme that terrorists groups disavow their actions. Previous labels and lines in the sand aside, we can hope that world leaders come down on the side of humanity.

In Brazil, protesters hope to point out the waste, greed and corruption of FIFA, the organization behind the World Cup, that has a majority of sports fans captivated globally. Are soccer fans willing to overlook FIFA’s atrocities in the interest of watching what is arguably the most popular sport on Earth? So it would seem.

Both the above manifestations are Mars-Pluto signatures for sure. And no doubt most everyone feels some element of the pattern personally. For suggested after-the-fact remedies, consider your personal needs and desires. Are any of them excessive? If so, what is a better application for your personal energy that results in the manifestation of what you believe your ultimate reason for taking up space on planet Earth might be? That really is the core. Make your presence matter, and pursue all tasks with energetic fervor that serves your highest intentions only. Be gracious in the face of progress and success. Remember your roots. Maintain energetic and economic generosity when confronted with abundance.

A review of situation reactions might be worthwhile following this pattern. If any real world interactions in the recent past hijacked your emotions, it’s not too late to backtrack, reset perspectives, reaffirm common objectives with potential antagonists, and work to see if the wild horse can all pull in the same direction. It is possible. It does require redefinition of the common, bottom line objectives of all concerned.

Just for the fun of it, a quasar named 3C 454.3 at 21 Pisces 22 added more than its two cents by contributing a heap of gamma ray energy. Oh, and there’s more there on the galactic front, too. The Blazar PKS 1550-242A, logging in at 1 Sagittarius 24, added its own radio blast to the mix. Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces), and those with contacts to these degrees receive more galactic stimulation than the average bear, and if tuned in, benefit in equal proportion.

While this many sound ominous, consider the energies involved here. Radio represents the essence of communication. Back in the olden days, before satellite radio, TV and Internet, radio was the source of information upon which people depended for information about the goings on in their region and the world. You can bet that those in the tornado-torn Midwest here in the United States still own battery-powered AM radios to keep posted on the latest weather bulletins.

Can you tune into the messages at hand? They are many cosmic communiques and they are broadcasting in multiple frequencies. With minor tweaks and turns of your personal inner dial, messages emanate, ready to be heard and applied for improvement in life.

And what about those gamma rays? Well, they provoke transformational awareness based upon events at hand for individuals to process in the interest of personal, spiritual evolution. When you look around, can you extract meaning from the goings on that contribute to greater wisdom though the events may not directly affect you? However, the events affect you because of your presence on the organically whole system that is Planet Earth.

On June 24th Mars opposes to Uranus in Aries, paying off the second of the transits to configurations in April’s grand cross. Globally, I suspect within another week world leaders will have determined what side should be taken in the Iraq-conflict, whether evident to the mainstream or not. Politicians with party line allegiances will no doubt cast feeble-minded venom that places decision-makers in no-win situations. No matter what the leaders of the nations involved choose to do, there will be massive polarization amongst the politicians who seek to taint the minds of the electorate for their gain. Any leader of any country involved will be dealing with this opposition. It is a classic “damned if you, damned if don’t” scenario.

Personally, it’s time to assess your sides and allegiances in polarized issues in life. Uranus is involved. Where do you want to come down on situations? Make it your choice. Make decisions fraught with individuality, insight, humanism and that manifest your broadest-reaching potency. Be the middle of your own bell curve, and keep in mind that your bell curve must get along with the bell curve of humankind in order for progress to be made. There’s an old joke about Uranus that asks the rhetorical question: “Are you being revolutionary, or are you just revolting?” Cranky, pain in the ass, discordant folks may not be helping things get better.

The final replay of the grand square’s aspects occurs as August rolls around. Mars catches up to square Jupiter, but at that time, both planets moved into fixed signs; Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo. While this is a tense aspect pattern, the signs are not the same, the degrees are different, and it would seem this would be it’s own new issue, not a recall from April. As this pattern draws nearer, it will be comprehensively addressed in upcoming SkyScraping posts.

Now, before either of these next Mars alignments happens, Mercury aligns with the Earth and the Sun, marking the midpoint of Mercury retrograde. This window of mental lucidness and decision-making and communicative clarity occurs in degrees of Gemini that oppose the center of our galaxy. The Galactic Center is a nucleus of insight, progress and advancement. However, it does take time for most folks to wrap around brave, new and strange insights. It’s an emotional adjustment to cozy up with things so new that they’re uncomfortable. Typically, six to nine months after a Galactic Center insight is implemented, it begins to make sense. As it makes sense, it feels less threatening to one’s psyche. Defensive perceptions that previous beliefs or actions that do not fit the new mind set are incorrect-fade into oblivion. It’s like the growth curve of Newtonian Laws into Einsteinian Physics. Newton wasn’t wrong about his laws; the new physics expanded the basic applications beyond the beyond.

So it goes in personal life. When improved and more evolved methods arrive, implementation as soon as possible is the answer. Spinning ones wheels regarding personal progress with internal punitive thoughts, listening to the critical editor within, and the like, produces nonproductive feelings of regret, which go back to feed last week’s Mars-Pluto square’s realizations, and not in the most enlightened way.

While this may all sound a bit dense and challenging, consider all the elements:

Radio information and transforming gamma radiation supplement the increased solar activity to stimulate shifts in perception, which in turn, cause evolutionary insights to be perceived and take hold.

In two days, Mercury aligns with the Earth and Sun in alignment with the Galactic Center. Someone has to be the messenger bringing news of progressive concepts and applications that improve the situations at hand. The insight is there for anyone... absolutely anyone... to download, process and articulate. Cosmic insights and the seed thoughts behind grand intellectual designs are there for those aligning their crown chakra satellite dishes with the Galactic Center.

In one week, Mars and Uranus oppose. It’s time to extricate oneself from no-win situations should they exist. Aligning with concepts, concerns, causes and consciousness that further one’s greatest aspirations push progress on one’s path along faster. Choosing humanity works. Applying rules of fairness and compassionate understanding go a long way in creating win-win scenarios for everyone.

Yes, the times are tense. In this tension, the need to look at all situations with clarity, perspicacity, and wisdom is paramount. With insightful visions, improvements in all aspects of life can be perceived, and graceful action into improved life applications result. Reach for the wisdom.

More soon.